Subject: Power management Author: DanD (02:02PM, Oct 08, 2009) I have yet to purchase one of these, but I'm in the market for both the SpeakerCast and OutCast...
Does the receiver unit go into standby mode when not receiving music transmission? That is, can I keep it powered on all the time so that I can pipe music from bed or do I need to actually get up to turn the unit on and off? If not, then it would be nice for the unit to go into a very low power mode when it stops receiving signal from the transmitter, such that it's able to self power when it senses an incoming signal. This question and suggestion applies to both the SpeakerCast and OutCast. |
Subject: re: Power management Author: OmarV (05:47PM, Nov 10, 2009) Thanks for your suggestion. There’s not standby feature implemented in any of our current products, however we’ll have a “Power Saving mode” feature included in future versions of our iCast transmitter.